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The "VidnovyDIM" Program: the first restored houses

The "VidnovyDIM" Program: the first restored houses

The "VidnovyDIM" Program: the first restored houses

In the city of Irpin in Kyiv region, the first four buildings the HOAs of which participated in the “VidnovyDIM” Program were restored. The Homeowners Associations of “ZATYSHNYI 2020” and “RC NOVO-OSKOLSKYI” submitted applications for participation in the Program immediately after the launch of its pilot stage. On November 21, the Energy Efficiency Fund already received the first applications — two months have passed, and the residents of the buildings can once again return to their fully restored homes.

“The pilot stage of the “VidnovyDIM” Program, which is being implemented in the territory of four regions – Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv and Sumy, demonstrated the relevance of such an initiative,” commented Yehor Fareniuk, director of the Energy Efficiency Fund. — “Applications for participation have already been submitted by 58 homeowners associations. The expected amount of grants for them is more than UAH 127 million. In general, the European Union has currently allocated EUR 5 million for the implementation of the pilot stage. The experience of the first restored houses proves the effectiveness of the chosen approach — grants are paid out quickly and cover 100% of the necessary costs. The war destroyed the houses of millions of Ukrainians, and one of the urgent tasks of the Fund is to provide them with the opportunity to return home to safe houses. We plan to expand the program to other regions, because there are many requests from HOAs which also suffered from russian aggression.”

As a result of hostilities, the façade and thermal insulation of the walls were damaged, window and door frames were deformed, interior partitions and the staircase were partially destroyed in Irpin seven-story buildings built in 2014 (“Novo-Oskolskyi residential complex”). Within the framework of participation in the “VidnovyDIM” Program, one HOA building will receive a grant in the amount of UAH 5 million 416 thousand, the second – UAH 1 million 608 thousand (currently, the first part of the grant is transferred – 70%). In the buildings, façades were repaired, destroyed engineering systems were restored, window and balcony door units, external and internal vestibule doors were replaced.

The six-story buildings of the “Zatyshnyi” residential complex in Irpin, built in 2017, also suffered significant damage – destruction and cracking of the thermal insulation of external walls, some window and door frames, double-glazed windows, holes and cracks in the plaster. One building will receive a grant in the amount of UAH 2 million 425 thousand, the second – UAH 3 million 93 thousand (currently the first part of the grant is 70%) for the elimination of these destructions.

“VidnovyDIM” Program provides grants on a free and non-refundable basis – 100% of the cost of works and materials for the restoration of war-damaged buildings. A simple and effective implementation mechanism allows you to organize the process as quickly as possible: the HOA receives 70% of the amount in advance (consideration of the application – 15 days) and performs the necessary work, after completion of which (consideration of the application – 15 days) 30% is refinanced. The Energy Efficiency Fund Program is implemented jointly with the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Do you live in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv or Sumy regions? Was your house, in which a HOA was created, damaged as a result of military operations? Do you want to participate in the “VidnovyDIM” Program? For consultation, contact the Energy Efficiency Fund Project Support Department by phone: +38 (044) 222-95-90 or by e-mail: Always happy to help you!


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