Over 100 Communities Offer Energy Efficiency Support Programs for HOAs
As of May 31, 2021, 101 communities had launched homeowners’ associations (HOAs) support programs aiming to reduce the financial burden on HOAs that implement thermal renovation measures. Out of 101 programs, 58 are run on municipal level, 7 - on the regional, and 36 – on the level of united territorial community (OTG).
The purpose of the programs is to stimulate establishment of HOAs and reimburse to HOA part of the spending for EE renovation of their building.
The amount of funding for the approved programs is UAH 92.2 million. This means that 10,500 HOA can benefit from local support in implementing energy saving measures in their homes.
Another 25 previously approved local programs do not need changes / adjustment, and 34 more are in the process of development.
Specialists of the Energy Efficiency Fund reviewed the local programs and concluded that 76 existing programs are aligned with the terms of the Energodim program.
The most recent programs approved by municipal authorities were in Bilyaivka (Odessa oblast), Myrnohrad (Donetsk oblast), and Kostopol (Rivne oblast).
Thus, Bilyaivka OTG approved a universal Program to promote the creation and support of operations of HOAs in apartment buildings for 2019 - 2021, with allocated funding of UAH 300,000 for 2021.
Kostopil City Council approved the program “Energodim Kostopil” for 2021-2023 and allocated UAH 1 million of funding for the current year. This program is aligned with and reinforces benefits of the program "Energodim" for HOAs, which may claim for reimbursement the following costs:
- HOAs, that were included in the list of the first 500 applications for participation in the Program are eligible for grant support in the amount of 10% of the costs incurred during the implementation of the energy renovation project, but not to exceed UAH 500,000 according to the list of energy efficiency measures that are part of Package B ("Complex") and package A ("Light").
- starting with 501th applications - grant support in the amount of 20% of the costs incurred during the implementation of the energy renovation project, but not to exceed UAH 1 million according to the list of energy efficiency measures included in package B ("Complex") and package A (“Light”).
Also, in May, the Fund and the cities signed 21 memoranda of cooperation under the Energodim program.
In particular, the Fund partnered with Koretska, Bereznivska, Dubenska, Ostrozka, Radyvylivska, Dubrovytska, Dolynska, Berezanska, Hlukhivska, Ovrutska, Konotopska, Holoprystanska, Blagovishchenska, and Pomichnyanska city councils, and with Zdolbunivska, Baranivska, Slavutska, Hoshchanska, Vorodymyretska, Krasnopilska and Klevanska city and town territorial communities.
Overall, for the term of the Program between September 2019 and May 31, 2021, 223 memoranda of cooperation were signed between the Energy Efficiency Fund and communities.
In the second quarter of 2021, the Fund expects to sign the memoranda with the cities from Zaporizhzhia, Cherkasy and Poltava oblasts.
Information on the number and geography of the signed Memoranda of Cooperation, as well as details on the updated local programs to support HOAs participating in the program "Energodim" is updated regularly in the interactive map.
More information about the Energodim program: https://energodim.org/
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